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Financial data

Financial data
Unit: Yuan
Currency: CNY
2023 2022 Year over Year growth/decline(%) 2021
Revenue 3,273,012,827.91 3,534,688,853.21 -7.40 3,647,394,627.95
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company -24,993,631.93 312,909,308.68 Not Applicable 264,273,119.32
Total assets at the end of the period 6,284,056,602.79 6,961,317,142.77 -9.73 6,428,296,588.39
Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed companies 3,926,700,668.03 4,084,111,699.61 -3.85 3,903,893,231.14
Basic earnings per share (RMB yuan) -0.03 0.38 Not Applicable 0.33